Transformation Prayer Foundation


1. Focus book on mission to the Unreached Peoples and how through prayer, networking and strategic implementation we can reach them. It is the passion of Jesus' heart that we give this the maximum priority as His Great Commission panta ta ethne, all ethnic people groups, the Greek wording in Matt. 28:19, Matt. 24:14 and Mark 11:17. Not political nations but the remaining thousands of people groups needing to be adopted for prayer and collaboration by the Body of Christ.

Focus The Power of People Group Thinking-2022

2. "Reaching the Unreached" video from the IPC Consultation for Prayer and Mission Leaders at Herrnhut (2018)  (9 mins.).

3. "Bringing Back the King of Kings", the Adopt a People Movement- asking churches, prayer groups, children's and youth ministries to each adopt one of the remaining Unreached People Groups, starting with the largest and most unreached almost 300 Frontier People Groups (on average only one believer per 1000 people). Article and attached list of the 296.

Adopt a People Movement

4. The Peacemaking Power of Prayer- about the first four national prayer initiatives that God used to bring about His breakthroughs, ending wars and otherwise changing the history of these countries.

The Peacemaking Power of Prayer

5. Bali Prayer Initiative Case Study- an account of how the Lord brings about breakthrough where there was deep spiritual oppression through united, authoritative, Spirit-led prayer by an international team with local brothers and sisters in Christ.

Bali Prayer Initiative Case Study

6. Video of the World Prayer Assembly- connected millions of Jesus followers in prayer in Indonesia and around the world. God inspired us in the International Prayer Council to work with the local prayer movement to connect His people within 380 cities of their cities as well as worldwide. It was an utterly miraculous and glorious event in May 2012 that continues to send out ripples and resulted in two more WPAs, the latest of which was in Perth, Australia, in 2023. WPA Final Video (2012, 17 mins.)

Watch the video:
‘How Nations are being Transformed through United Prayer’ - John Robb

Read: ‘Focus! – The Power of People Group Thinking’ written by John Robb AND ‘The Peacemaking Power of Prayer’ by John Robb and James A Hill.

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