Transformation Prayer Foundation


Current Projects of the Transformation Prayer Foundation

Here are some of the projects that we are actively involved with. For more information, or do be in contact with us if you would like to find out more about how to pray, get involved and / or support these worthwhile causes.

We appreciate any financial support you can provide to help further the work of the Transformation Prayer Foundation. Nothing is taken out for administration costs and every penny of your gift will go to the following projects as well as to other prayer, humanitarian, and mission projects as they arise:


Providing aid to Afghan Christian families who are hunkering down in Afghanistan and those who have become refugees still living in safe houses in Pakistan before, we hope, getting visas to leave for other countries that will welcome them. We have partnered with an organization led by Christian Pakistanis who have risked their lives to evacuate over 900 Jesus followers, including their families, to their nation.

We are also involved in helping a strategic ministry in war-torn Myanmar that are both providing humanitarian aid to families and their children who are hungry as well as sharing the Gospel of Jesus across the nation through social media and on the ground evangelistic efforts. A very significant revival and desperate spiritual hunger among the people has overwhelmed the ministry leaders there, who are being besieged by tens of thousands of Buddhists and Muslims, asking how they can know and follow Him.

Other projects that the foundation continues to support:
  • Supporting the Prayer Covenant for Children now being used by up to 8 million children who grow spiritually, pray for their communities, and go on mission. They have led hundreds of thousands to Christ, especially in Africa, thanks be to the Lord! (
  • According to Matthew 9:37-38, mobilizing denominations, prayer movements and other ministries to adopt in prayer the remaining major Unreached Peoples, hopefully followed by mission engagement, (
  • Advising three world evangelization movements- Billion Soul Harvest, Go Movement and Global 2033 in regard to prayer and mission for the Unreached Peoples.
  • Helping to support a church planter project in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  • Providing funding for the training of Indian missionaries through the publication of the Focus book in Hindi and Urdu and training seminars and workers for the Musahar unreached people group in Bihar.
  • Helping with the relief effort for Sudanese refugees from the ongoing civil war there.
  • Coordinating and helping to fund the National Prayer Assembly in Washington, DC.
  • Other strategically important mission, humanitarian and prayer initiatives as they emerge around the world.

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