Transformation Prayer Foundation

International Prayer Alert- Russia-Ukraine Conflict and other crucial concerns

April 11, 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

“He’s got the whole world in His hands…He’s got the whole wide world in His hands”, as that beloved old song proclaims. How we need the reassurance it conveys as our world seems to be going pell-mell to hell right now! Praise God that because we are in His hands, we have access to His very presence.

Indeed, through our connection in and through the Holy Spirit, we are already sitting in heavenly places with the Lord Jesus Himself. Prayer is the way we activate that connection, communicating with the One who has all power and authority. What an awesome prerogative we now possess as His intimate family members!

May I, therefore, ask you to utilize that prerogative to pray for some crucial international issues facing our world at this time?

  1. Let’s please pray for the end of the Ukraine-Russia conflict that some politicians in the USA and Europe seem to want to escalate into an all-out regional battle or even World War III. How foolish and provocative their comments are, apparently not understanding that such a confrontation with Russia by NATO could actually plunge us into a nuclear holocaust. Pray that such hotheads will restrain themselves and not use this conflict for their own selfish political purposes.

    Also, this Tuesday, Ukrainian and Russian Christian leaders will meet with one another to have a reconciliation prayer experience together, hopefully confessing the sin of their peoples and asking forgiveness of the Lord and one another. This is extremely important since we as intercessors, a “royal priesthood”, have authority to “stand in the gap” so that nations are not destroyed (Ez. 22:30).

    Would you please pray for this gathering and a few of us from other nations that will help to facilitate it? Please pray for John 17 unity with the realization that they are members of Christ’s eternal family, a relationship that transcends all earthly allegiances. May His strong anointing, protection, and guidance characterize this gathering and may it be the beginning of a process of healing and deliverance for these two nations.

  2. Next Thursday, the Unreached Peoples/Adopt a People Task Force, a group of international prayer and mission leaders, will gather once again to deliberate, hear reports, and pray for the largest and least reached 290 Frontier People Groups to be adopted by churches, prayer groups, youth, and children’s ministries for ongoing prayer until workers are sent into these harvest fields and movements for Christ develop.

    Would you please pray with us that all 290 will be adopted in the coming months so that there will be at least 10 ministry entities taking responsibility for each one? This would be a huge step forward towards the completion of His Great Commission that involves the discipling of all the ethne or ethnic people groups (Matthew 24:14, 28:19) and then the King will come as He promised 2000 years ago.

  3. Afghanistan and Myanmar remain special challenges, but we hear reports about many coming to Christ through all the disruption and turmoil that has shaken these countries to the core. Pray for His peace, healing, and deliverance for both countries and that the great harvest in both lands will be brought in by His followers there.

Thanks so much for your support through this world-changing, awesome power of prayer that has been put in our hands by the One who’s got the whole world and universe in His.

Let’s continue to use that glorious prerogative, uniting with other intercessors and trusting Jesus Christ the Lord to bring about His good purposes for each of us and for these situations as we also commemorate His victory over sin, death and hell on our behalf during this coming week.

All His best always,

John Robb
Transformation Prayer Foundation

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