Transformation Prayer Foundation


The Transformation Prayer Foundation came into being in 2006 to help fund the growing international prayer movement especially through the International Prayer Council and International Prayer Connect, the wider network of prayer ministries worldwide. During those years since, we have helped support national and regional prayer initiatives, three international prayer initiatives in and for the United Nations, as well as the World Prayer Assembly. We have also helped to fund the emerging UPRising youth prayer movement and the Children in Prayer movement, both of which continue to develop around the world.

United prayer is the most powerful capacity God has given human beings because it links us to the Sovereign, All Powerful Creator of the universe and brings about His gracious intervention, not only in our own individual lives but also for the wellbeing of entire nations, indeed the whole globe. We have repeatedly witnessed His mighty working to bring peace, healing, and restoration in impossible situations of war and human suffering time and time again as desperate followers of Christ come together from all denominations to seek His face according to His promise in 2 Chron. 7:14: “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.” It can be reasonably affirmed that every spiritual revival in the history of the Church and countless socio-political reforms bringing positive change for the good of humanity have been originated and empowered by united prayer efforts.

One of the most important prayer foci is the remaining task of reaching all the Unreached People Groups, those ethnic groups differentiated by language, culture and religion that are still by and large without the knowledge of Jesus Christ. These are the ethne that Jesus commanded His followers to disciple in Matthew 28:18-20. The Frontier Unreached People Groups are the least reached of the remaining UPGs. There are about 5000 altogether. The 268 that have populations of over 1 million and have on average only one Christian per 1000 people will be the priority of this foundation. We believe that once those larger people groups have movements for Christ established in them, there will be a spillover result for the smaller people groups living in proximity. Currently, our chairman, John Robb is coordinating an international Unreached Peoples/Adopt a People task force to encourage systematic adoption of each of these larger people groups for prayer and mission efforts. As Jesus said, “Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he will send workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38). Mission agencies, churches, prayer groups and children’s ministries will become involved in this prayer focus on the remaining task that is clearly God’s chief priority for our time in history.

In addition to rallying united prayer efforts, the TPF is also providing financial assistance to humanitarian aid initiatives where God’s people are being afflicted through civil wars or natural disasters such as the global pandemic currently underway. We have helped two teams get endangered Christians out of Afghanistan to resettle them in safer situations. We have been funnelling aid to Myanmar during their civil conflict, both for food relief and to support local evangelism ministry since so many are now desperately looking for hope. India has received substantial help for the assistance of widows and children. Cambodia has also each month been the recipient of funds for food relief to help the poor during the Covid lockdowns and now for a new church planting initiative developing out of that humanitarian program as people come to know the Lord.

Both fervent, informed prayer and practical, compassionate action go together as part of God’s gracious mission to bring transformation to our beleaguered world. Your help as a much valued partner of the TPF is deeply appreciated with 100% of what you give going to the prayer, mission and humanitarian objectives just described. Thank you for standing with us both through your faithful prayers and financial support.

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